Business Coach Ratish Pandey speaks of Impactful Virtual Selling – the likely sales model in the New Normal, during the Business, Redefined Summit conducted by ActionCoach India & Middle East Chapter.
In the current scenario, driving sales is a challenge that many of us face...
But what if Sales in the Digital World are the answer?
What are businesses to expect from digital sales? Digital domains make measurement and monitoring easy, but is it viable?
A change in mindset, training, and tools are needed to maximize sales in the virtual world.
The tools include active Social Media handles and a clean digital image of the company's salespeople and senior employees which clearly show their role within the organization and their expertise.
To generate leads online, you need to rev up your lead generation engines and you also need a team to manage and sift through the leads.
A training program needs to be put in place to teach Virtual Selling skills and to provide real-time reporting using the monitoring tools one sets up for metrics measurement. Monitoring tools greatly assist in managing sales leads.
All said, there are 5 elements we need to address to get Virtual selling going for us:
a) Establish digital channels to generate leads
b) Upskilling your team,
c) Create a team to manage leads for improved engagement
d) Digitize your sales experience
e) And lastly measurement metrics